Soluzioni LECO per Analisi elementale

Designed for Analisi elementale

Serie 736

Serie 736

Analisi mediante fusione in gas inerte di ossigeno e azoto

Explore Serie 736
Serie 744

Serie 744

Analisi della combustione per zolfo e carbonio

Explore Serie 744
Serie 828

Serie 828

Macro analisi della combustione per il determinatore di carbonio, idrogeno, azoto e proteine

Explore Serie 828
Serie 832

Serie 832

Analisi della combustione per la determinazione di zolfo e carbonio

Explore Serie 832
Serie 836

Serie 836

Analisi elementale per il rilevamento di ossigeno, azoto e idrogeno

Explore Serie 836
Serie 844

Serie 844

Analisi della combustione per zolfo e carbonio

Explore Serie 844
Serie 928

Serie 928

Macro determinazione tramite combustione

Explore Serie 928


Determinazione dell’idrogeno residuo e diffusibile per estrazione a caldo

Explore DH603


Spettrometro ad emissione atomica a scarica luminescente

Explore GDS900


Spettrometro ad emissione atomica a scarica luminescente e gamma estesa

Explore GDS950


Determinazione multifase di carbonio e acqua

Explore RC612

Note applicative

Scopri di più sulle nostre soluzioni per Analisi elementale con la nostra libreria di note applicative correlate.

  • Determination of Sulfur and Carbon in Lithium, Nickel, Magnesium, and Cobalt Battery Materials

    Carbon determination in Li-NMC is important as the Carbon content directly impacts the performance of this battery material. In addition, emerging battery technologies can take advantage of improved Sulfur utilization when Li-NMC is used as an additive, making Sulfur determination in the base material an important quality control procedure.

  • Determination of Carbon and Sulfur in Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Materials

    Carbon determination in LiFePO4 is important as the Carbon content directly impacts the performance of this battery material. In addition, emerging battery technologies can take advantage of improved Sulfur utilization when LiFePO4 is used as an additive, making Sulfur determination in the base material an important quality control procedure.

  • Determination of Sulfur and Carbon in Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Materials

    Carbon determination in Lithium Iron Phosphate is important as the Carbon content directly impacts the performance of this battery material. In addition, emerging battery technologies can take advantage of improved Sulfur utilization when LiFePO4 is used as an additive, making Sulfur determination in the base material an important quality control parameter.

  • Determination of Nitrogen in Plastics

    The determination of Nitrogen is crucial in the material characterization and quality control procedures for the manufacturing and molding process of plastic materials. The LECO FP928 is a Nitrogen determinator that utilizes an automated Dumas combustion method and provides accurate and precise results in approximately five minutes. This eliminates involved sample preparation and the use of hazardous materials resulting in a cost-effective method for the quality control of plastic production.

  • Determination of Carbon and Sulfur in Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Materials

    Carbon determination in Lithium Iron Phosphate is important as the Carbon content directly impacts the performance of this battery material. In addition, emerging battery technologies can take advantage of improved Sulfur utilization when LiFePO4 is used as an additive, making Sulfur determination in the base material an important quality control parameter.


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