František Vacek, Ing.

Coal Services A.S.

Our main instruments for ‘fuel analysis’ are LECO calorimeters AC500 & AC600, LECO TruSpec CHNS together with LECO CHNS628 and Thermogravimetric analyzers LECO TGA601 & TGA701. It could take us as little as 2 minutes per analysis and with the TGA we can simply load samples and continue working on other tasks! LECO understands the importance of our work and provides highly reliable services to keep these instruments in order. Thanks to remote consultation with LECO Service department they are never too far from us when we need help. Simply a great technology partner to have!

Strumenti referenziati

Calorimetro Isoperibolico per contenuto calorifico lordo


Contenuto calorifico lordo calorimetro Isoperibolico semi automatico