La Gascromatografia/spettrometria di massa (GC-MS, GCMS o GC/MS) è un metodo analitico utilizzato per determinare la composizione delle sostanze all'interno di un campione di test. Come dice il nome stesso, il sistema è composto da un gascromatografo per separare le sostanze (analiti) e uno spettrometro di massa per identificare questi analiti. Questo è lo standard di riferimento per l’analisi in molti campi, come per gli studi di scienze forensi o di prodotti petrolchimici, poiché l’uso di GC-MS consente l’identificazione inequivocabile delle sostanze.

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12 Giugno 2024 Metabolomics Society Celebrates 20 Years

This year marks the 20th annual conference of the Metabolomics Society! LECO is excited to be a sponsor for Metabolomics 2024, starting on 16 June and ending 20 June, and we’re counting down the minutes until the conference begins. Held in the buzzing metropolis of Osaka, Japan, this event is the largest metabolomics meeting worldwide. […]

19 Marzo 2024 Discoveries with Dr. Dave: Detecting PFAS in Anti-Fog Solutions with GC-MS

Since the first humans walked the earth, our species has been changing the world. Brilliant minds throughout existence have provided us with life-altering inventions and ideas, like medicines that cure our ailments and lengthen our lives, or technology that connects us in ways we never thought possible. The human mind has thought up some incredible […]

15 Marzo 2024 What’s Behind Your Beer’s Aroma This St. Patrick’s Day?

St. Patrick’s Day is an annual feast day celebrating the patron saint, St. Patrick. It’s a national holiday in both Ireland and Northern Ireland. The holiday, taking place on March 17th, has a number of traditions associated with it here in the USA as well—wearing green, eating the traditional Irish corned beef and cabbage, the Chicago […]

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