Upcoming Trade Shows and Events for the Metals and Mined Materials Industry

Are you interested in learning more about our offerings for elemental analysis of inorganic samples or sample preparation equipment for metallography? Then we highly recommend visiting us at one of our upcoming trade shows! We will be attending a great line-up of shows this Spring/Summer. Below is a list of when and where we’ll be with a brief description of what each show is all about. We hope to see you there!

International Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Symposium (IGDSS)

21-24 April | Liverpool, UK

IGDSS2024 features a rich technical program that spans both research and applied aspects of Glow Discharge Spectroscopy. There will be oral and poster presentations from both international experts and young researchers. This symposium will concentrate on the analysis of solids by optical emission or mass spectrometry with Glow Discharge sources. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Fundamentals (GD Processes)
  • Instrumentation
  • Analytical Methodology
  • Depth Profiling, Thin Films
  • Other Applications and Related Fields


Why will LECO be there?

Among our line-up of reliable elemental analyzers is the Glow Discharge Spectrometer. We believe in the power of analytical data and want to provide our customers with the best equipment possible to achieve the most accurate results. We’ll be at the symposium to share our insights on the topic of Glow Discharge Spectroscopy, as well as highlight how our GDS is incomparable to the rest.

Our Vendor Talk: “Optimization of Quantitative Depth Measurements with True Plasma Power Pulsed RF Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry” by Aaron Walczewski, Inorganic Product Manager, LECO Corporation

Our Invited Talk: “The History of Glow Discharge Plasma Spectrometry: The Source” by Dr. Kim Marshall, retired LECO Sr. Product Leader, who spearheaded the development and design of LECO’s Cornerstone® GDS systems.


Metalcasting Congress

23-25 April | Milwaukee, WI, USA | Booth #818

North America’s premiere event for the full metalcasting supply chain. Metalcasting Congress provides you with an exclusive look at the most recent manufacturing technologies and cutting-edge research breakthroughs. It offers a glimpse into the trends and innovations that will define the metalcasting industry for the years ahead. Immerse yourself in hands-on demonstrations, engage in conversations with industry experts, and have direct interactions with leading suppliers, metalcasters, and service providers (afsinc.org).


Why will LECO be there?

Since its inception in 1936, LECO has been working with members of the iron and steel industry. We have an extensive collection of instruments to assist in the metalcasting process, including sectioning machines, hardness testers, carbon/sulfur analyzers, and more. Stop by our booth and you’ll get an up-close look at our Glow Discharge Spectrometer Lamps and VX4 Inverted Metallurgical Microscope, as well as an opportunity to chat with our team of experts.


PowderMet + AMPM

16-19 June | Pittsburgh, PA, USA | Booth #503

The leading technical conference on powder metallurgy and particulate materials in the Americas, PowderMet2024 is a hub for technology transfer for professionals from every part of the industry, including buyers and specifiers of metal powders, tooling and compacting presses, sintering furnaces, furnace belts, powder handling and blending equipment, quality-control and automation equipment, particle-size and powder-characterization equipment, consulting and research services, and much, much more (mpif.org).

Why will LECO be there?

At this show, LECO will be there to discuss our quality products and thorough applications for powder metallurgy. Come and hear from our experts about our solutions for moisture analysis, carbon analysis, nitrogen analysis, and more.



25-27 June | Los Angeles, CA, USA | Booth #1324

Known worldwide as North America’s largest additive manufacturing and industrial 3D printing event, RAPID + TCT provides everything you need to know about the latest 3D-technologies all under one roof. It is where you will witness groundbreaking product announcements, experience hands-on exhibits, learn real-world additive manufacturing solutions from the industry’s most respected experts, and network with thousands of industry peers. At the RAPID + TCT conference, over 100 industry leaders go beyond the hype to bring you real-world solutions to advance your manufacturing processes (rapid3devent.com).

Why will LECO be there?

Our instruments have proven useful in all sorts of applications, and we’re here to help anyone working in the manufacturing industry, even additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Stop by and chat with us while you’re there to hear more about the solutions we provide.

In fact, you can chat with us at any trade show because we will have experts at every single one we attend. We’re more than happy to dedicate our time and attention to you and your needs and answer any questions you may have. If you can’t make it to one of our trade shows, be on the lookout, because LECO could be coming to YOU! Our Mobile Labs feature a selection of elemental analyzers and metallographic instrumentation that you can see up close, as well as trained technicians that know the ins and outs of all the instruments. And lastly, if you’re ready to chat now, you don’t have to wait for a trade show or a Mobile Lab visit! Visit our contact page to get in touch with our friendly sales team today.

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