The Ribbon Was Cut At LECO Czech’s New Office In Plzen – Celebrating The 30th Anniversary!

As part of the celebration of their 30th anniversary in 2021, the ribbon was cut on the new LECO office in Plzen, Czech Republic.

Czechia Office

Dr. Ralf Loescher (Vice President, LECO Europe), Alexander Albrecht (Finance Director, LECO Europe), and Pawel Hoerner de Roithberg (LECO Central and Eastern European Sales Manager), officially opened the new offices in Plzen. LECO’s customers attended the opening ceremony and were welcomed with a small reception consisting of appetizers and a glass of sparkling wine. The openly designed premises should invite to informative discussions in the future and enhance the working process with its friendly atmosphere. The Czech Team looks forward to an inspiring and successful time at their new place of business and, of course, to many more years of LECO Instrumente Plzen supporting its customers with their laboratory needs.

“Congratulations to LECO CZ Team on 3Oth anniversary and new office opening. I wish to my colleagues and European management all the best, a lot of successful years in sales, service and application support for all current and future LECO instruments´ users. I believe, our philosophy based on building of strong team that is ready to support not only customers from our territory, but also distributors and colleagues from other LECO subsidiaries, is the essential factor of your success in the future.”

– Pavel Borek, LECO Instrumente Plzeň, spol. s r.o.

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