Standardizing Better Science

The international language of standards allows us to communicate our quality in a way any scientist can understand: with proven, reliable, and repeatable results.

International standards exist to enable an interconnected world. By having standards for the manufacture of airplane parts, for example, people can be assured that a plane made in China meets the same minimum safety requirements as one made in the United States. These standards apply all the way from an entire machine, such as a plane, to a part of that machine, such as the wing flap, to a material of that part, such as the aluminum used in the manufacturing. By creating and adhering to standards, a global confidence is built.

For over 30 years, LECO has worked with ASTM International and other standards organizations to both push our analytical abilities forward with new methods and rework old methods to keep them up to date with current and cutting-edge technology. By participating in the development and writing of the standards, LECO can have an educated dialogue with our customers to explain the importance of the standards, the meaning of the nuances in the standards, and how our instruments can be trusted to provide the reliable results their laboratories can have confidence in.

Learn more about LECO’s approach to standards in this article in ASTM Standardization News, or explore the standards that we use.

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