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Soluzioni LECO per Protein Determination

Protein determination for liquid and solid samples with LECO after the principle of Dumas can be very easy and convenient. LECO has the perfect solution with the 828 and the 928 product line. By integrating state-of-the-art hardware with intuitive, operator-focused software, the LECO 828 and 928 SERIES of instruments are able to analyse a wide variety of sample matrices. All of the advantages of prior LECO models have been optimized, giving your lab the highest reliability, throughput, and ease of use.

With short analysis times as fast as 2.8 minutes for some models, the 828 and 928 series are the perfect solutions for your analytical tasks. Whether your samples are macro or micro, needing a horizontal furnace or a vertical one, these instruments have a solution for you.

I vantaggi specifici includono
  • Easy Sample Preparation

Portafoglio degli strumenti per Protein Determination

Serie 828

Macro analisi della combustione per il determinatore di carbonio, idrogeno, azoto e proteine

Serie 928

Macro determinazione tramite combustione

Scopri maggiori dettagli con questa entusiasmante risorsa

Kjeldahl vs Dumas – How do you Determine Protein?

Esplora questa risorsa

Protein Determination Note applicative

Scopri di più sulle nostre soluzioni per Protein Determination con la nostra libreria di note applicative correlate.

Serie 828

Serie 928