A Fishy Analysis: FP828 and Protein Determination

Express Micro Science (EMS) is the only food nutritional laboratory in Scotland, serving clients in food, leisure, agricultural, and pharmaceutical industries. ForCloseup of female workers hands cutting fish on chopping board more than ten years, they’ve had constant, steady growth. But after they added protein determination to their services, they struggled with their instruments and results. Finally, in 2020, after five years of frustration, they chose to replace their old instruments with the LECO protein determinators.

LECO’s FP828 Nitrogen Analyzer uses a vertical furnace design to fully combust samples in a pure oxygen environment. With its macro sample capabilities and intuitive, operator-centric software design, it is a powerful and flexible instrument for measuring protein in all types of samples.

EMS’s Jennifer Newton, the Managing Director, and Michelle Milne, the Chemistry Director, recently sat down with eFOOD-Lab International for an interview about their laboratory testing capabilities. When talking about the FP828, the two women were very happy with their decision to switch to LECO.

828 Series Combustion Analyzer“We run the [protein] analysis 2-3 times a week and run about 100 samples per day,” said Milne, explaining how their samples are mainly fish, but can also include dairy, meats, fruits, vegetables, and sweets, all of which the FP828 handles with ease. “We definitely recommend service contracts for regular maintenance service. We have never faced technical problems since 2020,” the year they switched to LECO. 

As EMS expands into the restaurant industry, they see more concern from their clients regarding allergens and calories. The more information a restaurant can provide about their food, the happier their customers are. EMS has been increasing their offerings from standard food analyses such as protein analysis to include things like soil testing, to give their clients full traceability in the process their food took from growth to table.

With increasing customer demands, the importance for laboratories like EMS to accurately and efficiently provide information to their clients is growing. EMS is happy to have found a partner with LECO for their instrument needs.

Click here to read the full interview in eFOOD-Lab International.