Carbon and Nitrogen Determination in Soils, Plant Tissue, and Fertilizers by Combustion Analysis

Numero di riferimento: 401-952-768
Carbon and nitrogen are two of the primary nutrients of vital importance to the physiology of plants. Carbon content in soil plays in important role in the growth and development of plants. Plant foods or fertilizers with blends of multiple plant nutrients often including nitrogen. The amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer is optimized for the plant type that is being grown. The LECO 828 and 928 series of determinators can quantify the amount of carbon and nitrogen in soils, fertilizers, and plants. This webinar will focus on quantifying both carbon and nitrogen in these matrices.
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Prodotti associati
Serie 828

Macro analisi della combustione per il determinatore di carbonio, idrogeno, azoto e proteine

Serie 928

Macro determinazione tramite combustione