Energia e combustibili Note applicative

Visualizzazione  20  di 20 Energia e combustibili note applicative
Titolo e descrizione
Determination of Ash in Polystyrene

Determination of Ash in Polystyrene

Determination of Ash in Polyethylene

Determination of Ash in Polypropylene

Characterization of Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene and Traditional Aviation Turbine Fuel

Pegasus BTX 4D Application Note - Synthetic Aviation Fuels

Identifying Heteroatomic Species in HTL Pyrolysis Gasoline by GCxGC-TOFMS

Pegasus BTX 4D Application Snapshot - HTL Pyrolysis Gasoline

Determination of Carbon and Nitrogen in Coal and Coke

Determination of Carbon and Nitrogen in Carbon Black and Graphite

Simple Group-type Analyses of Aviation Fuels

Flow modulation provides high accuracy group-type analyses for traditional fuels and emerging alternatives.

Analysis of Heavy Fuel Oil using Multi-Mode Ionization

Heavy Fuel Oil Multi-Mode Source MMS GCxGC-HRT4D

Petroleum Forensics: Identifying Biomarkers in Crude Oil

Fuel Washing – Quantitiation Accutrace Diesel Petroleum

Quantitation of PAHs in Used Engine Oil using GCxGC and Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Introduction to Simply GCxGC

An Online Guide for Optimizing Comprehensive Two Dimensional GC Separations

StayClean Ion Source Stability

Sulfur and Carbon in Coal, Coke using SC832

Fuel Washing Diesel Pegasus BT

Light Crude Oil

Jet Fuel Analysis by HRTOFMS: EI, CI, and Accurate Mass

Diesel Compound Classification
