Il TGA: Macro e Micro

L’analisi termogravimetrica (TGA) è iniziata nei primi anni del 20o secolo e sebbene la tecnologia sia avanzata, i principi di base rimangono gli stessi. Con TGA la velocità di variazione delle reazioni nelle proprietà chimiche e fisiche dei materiali in funzione della temperatura o del tempo è ciò che viene utilizzato per valutare le proprietà […]

Cataloging Success

LECO’s Inorganic Supply Catalog has been refreshed and reformatted to make ordering new parts easier than ever before.

Focusing on the Field of View

Microscopic standards are moving away from magnification. Learn about the importance of Field of View when dealing with sample measurements.

Measured Science: A LECO Podcast

Hear from Dave Coulston, LECO’s former Corporate Metallurgist, on the past, present, and future of metallography on LECO’s podcast: Measured Science

LECO adds Hydrogen to the 828 Series

The 828 series now can analyze hydrogen as well as carbon and nitrogen for one instrument that can do your petrochemical analysis with a single sample.

Using GCxGC to see MOSH and MOAH

MOSH/MOAH contamination is a growing threat. Learn how the Pegasus BT 4D’s GCxGC-TOFMS methodology can be used to more accurately identify contaminants.

The Science of Gas Chromatography

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) is analysis that uses gas to separate substances to identify the mass of analytes within a scientific sample.