We’re pleased to introduce the GDS900 Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometer. The GDS900 brings state-of-the-art technology designed specifically for routine bulk elemental determination in most conductive solid metal matrices.
Archivi categoria: Notiziario
Visit Us at Metalcasting
Heading to Fort Worth? Come see our team at Booth #308!
Designed for Dependability: LECO’s 928 Series
Learn more about how the 928 Series can transform your lab!
Pittcon 2018 – Poster Presentation Preview
Take a closer look at LECO’s technical posters from Pittcon 2018.
E-seminar: High Temp GCxGC of Light Crude Oil & High Boilers
Join us for a complimentary e-Seminar on Thursday, March 8th!
LECO Unveils the New Pegasus BT 4D
The Pegasus BT 4D offers enhanced sensitivity by coupling our benchtop Pegasus BT with our high performance GCxGC thermal modulation system.
See Our PX400 in Action
Our PX400 is one of the latest grinder/polishers to enter our lineup of metallographic products.
Application Spotlight: GC-TOFMS and Opioids
In this app note our new Pegasus BT benchtop GC-TOFMS is used in drug analysis.
Putting GCxGC to Work in Your Laboratory
You may have heard about GCxGC, but do you fully understand how it can transform your lab?
LECO Introduces the New 928 Series for Carbon/Nitrogen Analysis
LECO is pleased to introduce the new 928 series, which will transform the way users determine carbon and nitrogen in a variety of organic materials
LECO Introduces Innovative Time-of-Flight Technology with Improved Sensitivity and Dynamic Range
LECO has introduced the Pegasus GC-HRT+ and GC-HRT+ 4D, its latest generation of innovative and reliable high resolution GC- and GCxGC-TOFMS instrumentation.
Analyze Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur with LECO 928 Series
LECO 928 Series allows you to easily handle the most demanding analysis of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur in organic sample applications.
There’s a new GC-MS contender: The Pegasus BT
LECO’s new Pegasus BT gives users all of the data they could ever need from a single sample run with an innovative new TOF-MS platform.
Introducing the 832: Analyze Sulfur and Carbon
Redefine the way you determine sulfur and carbon in a wide variety of organic materials with LECO 832 Series Analyzer Instruments.
Introducing the Pegasus GC-HRT 4D
LECO announces the Pegasus GC-HRT 4D, combing the industry standard for comprehensive GCxGC with the highest performance time-of-flight mass spectrometer.
Analyze Oxygen and Nitrogen with LECO 736 Series
Introducing the 736 Series Oxygen and Nitrogen Analyzer for measurement in inorganic materials, alloys, and refractory materials using inert gas fusion.
NSF Study Uses LECO GCxGC Technology to Identify Source of Oil Sheens
Researchers utilized LECO GCxGC instruments to help identify oil sheens from Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon oil spill.